Thunder Bay Ontario

Home of the Sleeping Giant and ME! :)


Halifax Nova Scotia

The place and people I love

This Site like Life is always under construction.
Because nothing is perfect!


Welcome! :)


Get to know Liz, her family and her Pink Panthers!




February 17, 2025


This home page is in need of some updates, I am working on it but it isn't easy.


The Ride Doesn't End Until Time Runs Out...April 14th, 2017

(links open in new tab/window)


August 10, 1958 letter from Dad posted...Thursday, April 11, 2013

For the link for my YouTube video about Ron Sdraulig please go to the Family Page on this site or the GLC INC YouTube Channel tab will take you right to the video also.

Hi there, Liz here :)

The menu has a "V" to indicate that there are subcategories that will appear when you click the item.
The aMUSEments category has been the most changed with subcategories for the listing of the Blog topics for easy reference and locating. Some blogs wil be doubled up in different categories (because I couldn't make up my mind where I wanted them lol). Years are clearly laid out and an imbedded link with take you to the post in a new window. If the links don't work, please let me know.
The YouTube channel link has been redisgned with graphics and literary notations.
The contact page has also been redesigned and imbedded with links.

Feedback is always welcome and appreciated if respectful. Have a great day! Enjoy your visit...Tell your friends. Cheers!

We may not like
all the colours of
the rainbow but
we must embrace
them all as part
of the whole to
appreciate its
beauty! gigi



iz me luigi

Copyright 2011-2018 Liz Gigi Sdraulig and All rights reserved.

All content of site and linked blogs and videos remain the property both intellectually and physically of Liz Gigi Sdraulig (except where otherwise credited) and may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or displayed without the express written permission of Liz Gigi Sdraulig.

Sharing for a writer or artist, like imitation for an actor, is a sincere form of flattery provided credit is given for intellectual property - otherwise it is just stealing.
