Ronald McDonald Clock - Tribute to Ron Sdraulig
This is the story of how the video came to be. Ralph Skedgel was Ron's Big Brother and always held a special place in my heart for the kindness that he displayed to my brother. And sometimes, my sisters and I were included in the "fun stuff."
Over the years, keeping in touch became a challenge that Ralph took on with gusto. No matter where in the country I moved or whether I changed my name, and long before facebook and the internet took away our anonimity, out of the blue - Ralph would call. It really touched me that he cared enough to make the effort.
Eventually I got old and selfless enough to try and find him. But clearly he was a far better slueth. He found me again. Digitally this time, and he shared with me a song that his friend had penned and sang. When I listened to the words and the soulful sounds I was moved to tears. I couldn't keep this beautiful tribute to myself. What amazed me is that I don't know Dan Gleeson (the musician) and I don't think he met my familly, and the sheer depth of his words made it sound like it was written by a friend. Thank you Dan for writing it and thank you Ralph for sharing the story with him.
I have never made a video to post on YouTube but I am happy with the results, I hope you are too.